Monday, 28 April 2014

MEDIA RELEASE (for immediate release): CITIZENS Rally To Welcome Police Scotland Criminal Investigation Into Glasgow City Council Corruption

MEDIA RELEASE (for immediate release): CITIZENS Rally To Welcome Police Scotland Criminal Investigation Into Glasgow City Council Corruption




MOBILE: 07904553200




* The 100 Promises Campaign was formed to hold the council to account from a number of community groups and community leaders.  It takes its name from Labour's 'Our 100 Promises: 100 Things We Will Do' manifesto document.

* In the course of holding The Council to account the campaign felt it had to say something about escalating corruption at the City Council which was actively derailing many of the promises community leaders were most concerned to see enacted.

* Following the publication of a report into the Ronnie Saez half a million pound payoff by the charities regulator which found "misconduct" by officials and councillors, and following the insider trading scandal at the Polmadie Recycling Plant (now a privatised incinerator), the 100 Promises Campaign decided to hold a meeting on misconduct by officials.  The results of this public meeting led to the campaign researching and publishing a dossier into corruption at The Council.

* This dossier has prompted Police Scotland to investigate a number of potential criminal allegations which the campaign has made the Crown Office and other civic authorities aware of.  Last year a printed copy of the dossier was hand delivered to the Crown Office, the Procurator Fiscal, every GCC Councillor, the Archdiocese, Central Mosque, Unison Glasgow HQ, Unite HQ, the Presbytery of Glasgow, and the Free Kirk, following the publication of the dossier online.




On Monday evening community campaigners and local residents will gather together at Blythswood Square, before visiting Pitt Street Police Station to send a note of thanks and welcome to Police Scotland for launching an anti-corruption investigation into Glasgow City Council.

"We have been calling on the authorities to investigate Glasgow City Council, ever since the planned rollout of fuel poverty fighting combined heat and power was derailed by the corrupt payoff to ex council boss Robert Booth." Says Nick Durie, Community Organiser on the 100 Promises Campaign.

In what is expected to be a well-attended event campaigners, will note how far the campaign has come to have achieved official recognition of corruption problems at the troubled City Council.

"When we held our press conference at the dossier launch, there was some cynicism about whether we could get this corruption taken seriously in official channels.  Given how long this problem has been going on for, it's easy for some people to lose heart.  What we take from this as a campaign however is that organised people, acting together to a common plan of action can deliver social change.  We trust that Police Scotland will leave no stone unturned in their corruption investigation, because by God there is a lot of dirt hidden there.  We believe we have just begun to scratch the surface.  It is time for a new Scotland where these acts of malfeasance are consigned to history."

Citizens will gather from 6:15 PM at Blythswood Square.  Pictures will be available for media on request.







* The 100 Promises Campaign was formed to hold the council to account from a number of community groups and community leaders.  It takes its name from Labour's 'Our 100 Promises: 100 Things We Will Do' manifesto document.

* In the course of holding The Council to account the campaign felt it had to say something about escalating corruption at the City Council which was actively derailing many of the promises community leaders were most concerned to see enacted.

* Following the publication of a report into the Ronnie Saez half a million pound payoff by the charities regulator which found "misconduct" by officials and councillors, and following the insider trading scandal at the Polmadie Recycling Plant (now a privatised incinerator), the 100 Promises Campaign decided to hold a meeting on misconduct by officials.  The results of this public meeting led to the campaign researching and publishing a dossier into corruption at The Council.

* This dossier has prompted Police Scotland to investigate a number of potential criminal allegations which the campaign has made the Crown Office and other civic authorities aware of.  Last year a printed copy of the dossier was hand delivered to the Crown Office, the Procurator Fiscal, every GCC Councillor, the Archdiocese, Central Mosque, Unison Glasgow HQ, Unite HQ, the Presbytery of Glasgow, and the Free Kirk, following the publication of the dossier online.




MOBILE: 07904553200

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