Friday, 31 October 2014

Yes In The Community

Demonstrators gather to demand Home Rule and democracy for Scotland.
These demands have been made most forcefully in communities lacking in
political power in post industrial Scotland. We stand with our communities.

Power in community is changing its name to reflect the fact that the communities we seek to empower are now in open rebellion against the status quo. 

Since we set out several years ago we have sought to "develop leadership in poor communities, so that it is Scotland's communities which are placed in the driving seat."

Now that we move beyond the finite nature of the referendum campaign, and our efforts to use this spectacular event to help organise and agitate, this remains our mission.  Now our communities have been fundamentally altered.  The schemes and working class neighbourhoods of Scotland have become politicised as never before - all of them vote now to break with Westminster rule.  Many are increasingly organised, with institutions built as a result of that politicisation.

We must reflect the fact that our increasingly organised communities have chosen to frame the struggle for social justice in terms of the necessity of democracy.  We do not disagree with this analysis, but we must also have the humility to be led by it, as we seek to deepen those roots of civic organisation around ongoing bread and butter concerns.

So as a result of the declaration of intent by all of our communities of concern we are adding the word power to the word they chose to frame their politicisation and rebellion, because it is power for these communities that we are after.

We are YES in the community.